Tuesday, January 29, 2019

What is headless CMS-Why is so popular?

What is headless CMS- Why is so popular?
Traditional cms v/s headless cms

The “head” in “headless CMS” refers to the frontend. A headless content management system consists primarily of an API as well as the backend technology required to store and deliver content. The headless approach allows developers to provide content as a service, abbreviated as CaaS, which simply means that content storage and delivery are handled by separate software. A headless CMS can make the following tasks less of a headache:

  • Modelling, creating and authoring content
  • Organizing content repositories
  • Improving workflow and collaboration

The “head” of a traditional content management system (CMS) refers to its front-end components, such as the front-end framework and templating system. These tools deliver and display the content on the desired platform. So, just as chopping off Ned Stark’s head opened up a possibility of storylines on “Game of Thrones,” chopping of the head of a CMS opens up the possibilities for content delivery.

A headless CMS removes those front-end components. This leaves raw and unpublished content at a development team’s disposal. Since they are not tied down by one default front-end system to deliver that content, developers can build as many heads as they’d like to display content. With a little magic from an API, this content is delivered to a variety of platforms, from websites, to apps, to smart watches and more. A traditional CMS already has a front-end delivery layer built in. That means content is only displayed onto one platform.

Common features of a headless CMS
  • API functionality
  • Content model creation
  • Asset management
  • Multi-language publishing
  • Benefits of a headless CMS

As discussed the biggest benefit of a headless CMS — the fact that developers can build multiple heads to which content is delivered. It’s the main component that sets this type of content management solution apart from a traditional CMS. But that’s not the only feature that makes this software worth looking into.

Simple implementation

With a traditional CMS, you would need to reimplement the tool each time you wanted to upload content to a different platform. As a headless CMS does not include a frontend delivery system, there is no need to reimplement.


A traditional CMS is built upon a website and there is a lot of code and content required to make that happen. You only need a little code to get a headless CMS up and running, which makes it far easier to use than a traditional CMS.

​According to Forbes, “It’s also a lot quicker for business teams to create new functionality. For example, if a marketing department wishes to create a new series of product mini-sites, it can go straight into the CMS and start creating the content immediately.”

Quicker deployment

As previously mentioned, a beneficial feature of a headless CMS is the fact that it allows you to streamline various tasks. One of which is the fact that content creators and developers can work in tandem with a headless CMS. With this ability, you can get your content up and running quicker than you could with a traditional CMS, since a traditional CMS requires the system to be fully developed before content is created.

Reasons why headless CMS is popular

A headless CMS isn’t always the best choice, so you have to consider your circumstances carefully. We recommend using a headless CMS in the following cases:

  • Websites/web apps that use JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular or VueJs
  • Native mobile apps
  • Any environment in which you need to publish content across multiple platforms all at once
  • When using a static site generator.

I hope these thoughts will help your team match the appropriate type of CMS to each project.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

HTML5 Features You Should Try -2019

HTML 5 is the latest specification of the HTML language and represents a major break with previous markup practices. The purpose of the many profound compared to the language was to standardize the new ways in which developers were using it, as well as to encourage a single set of best practices with regarding to web development. The core feature of HTML 5 is semantic (meaningful) markup, which makes it more suitable for a web developer.
HTML5 is special because it makes the Internet better. It seeks to improve the way the web works and performs, making it easier for developers to create terrific sites and making it more efficient for users to experience those sites regardless of the browser or platform they are using. HTML5 promises to make the Internet more functional and interactive. It seeks to transform a World Wide Web of relatively flat, static pages into one filled with web applications — as compelling as desktop versions — running in browsers.
Put another way, HTML5 represents the progression of the core language that underlies the Internet. It is the common link that web browsers and web servers share as they work together to render pages and applications across platforms like desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. For any web developer or designer, HTML5 tools prove to be a great help when it comes to step up their workflow and perform repetitive tasks. These tools are blessed with all the richness and power that help webmasters to augment the value of their work and improve the usability of their web designs.
HTML5 has been around for a while now, it introduces lots of new and exciting new JavaScript and HTML APIs for both mobile and desktop, so in this post you will discover some HTML5 features that will enhance your web apps and will save you a lot of time.
DNS Prefetching
DNS hostname resolution is one of the issues that can make any website slow. Modern browsers start to be very smart when it comes to DNS resolution, they try to resolve domain names then cache them before the user tries to follow any link on the webpage.
With the dns-prefetch feature you are allowed to manually control this operation by telling the browser which domain names to resolve :
  1. <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//fonts.googleapis.com">

  2. <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//google-analytics.com">

  3. <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//www.google-analytics.com">

  4. <link rel="dns-prefetch" href="//platform.twitter.com">
Link Prefetching
Link prefetching allows developers to specify pages or assets they want to silently preload once the page load, like loading the first search results :
  1. <link rel="prefetch" href="http://arnasoftech.com/hire-dedicated-developers" />

  2. <link rel="prefetch" href="http://deker.me/assets/images/avatar.png" />
Also you can use the prerendering feature which will make your website even faster, the browser will fetch and render the entire next page on the background and show it only when the user click on the link :
  1. <link rel="prerender" href="http://arnasoftech.com/hire-dedicated-developers" />
Download Attribute
The HTML5 download attribute allows developers to force a file to download rather than go to that specific page, you no longer need to rely on server side code to do that :
  1. <a href="download_pdf.php?id=15" download="myfile.pdf">Download PDF</a>
Regular Expressions
I know you'll fall in love with this feature, no more js or a server side code to check if the user's input is a valid email or url adress, with the pattern attribute you can use regular expressions directly :
  1. <input type="email" pattern="[^ @]*@[^ @]*" value="">
Datalist Element
Datalist element is a litle big addition, no more use of jQuery plugins for autocomplete inputs combined with a server side code that hit the database on each user keystroke :
<form action="form.php" method="post">
<input list="cars" name="cars" >
<datalist id="cars">
   <option value="Volvo">
   <option value="BMW">
   <option value="Bugatti">
   <option value="Cadillac">
   <option value="Chevrolet">
   <option value="Chrysler">
<input type="submit" />
I hope this will help you save time and enhance you coding skills, let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Arna Softech is a premier web app development solutions company. Our focus always remains on how we can achieve the objectives laid out in the most well-organized and user friendly manner.