The design patterns include the following:
1. Module Design Pattern
For Example –
2. Revealing Module Pattern
For Example –
3. Prototype Design Pattern
For Example –
4. Singleton Pattern
For Example –
Design patterns help consolidate experiences of numerous developers to structure the codes in an advanced way that meet the issues we are looking for solutions, and gives regular vocabulary used to describe solutions for our issues than depicting the syntax and semantics of our code.
JavaScript design patterns help developers to write organized, beautiful and well-organized codes. Although design patterns, when used can without much of a stretch be re-used, they can never enhance developers, rather they just help them by forestalling minor issues that could prompt major issues on the web application development by giving generalized solutions that are not attached to a particular issue.
They decrease the overall codebase by doing away with unnecessary repetitions, thus makes our code more powerful than the ad-hoc solutions.
- Module
- Prototype
- Observer
- Singleton
- Context: Where/under what circumstances is the pattern used?
- Problem: What are we trying to solve?
- Solution: How does using this pattern solve our proposed problem?
- Implementation: What does the implementation look like?
Now that we know what design patterns are, and why they are important, let’s know the important design patterns used in JavaScript.
A Module is a piece of independent code so we can update the Module without affecting the other parts of the code. Modules also allow us to avoid namespace pollution by making a separate scope for our variables. We can likewise reuse modules in different projects when they are decoupled from different pieces of code.
Modules are a necessary part of any cutting edge JavaScript application and help in keeping our code clean, isolated and organized. There are numerous approaches to create modules in JavaScript, one of which is the Module pattern.
2. Revealing Module Pattern
The Revealing Module pattern is a slightly improved variant of the module design by Christian Heilmann. The issue with the module example is that we need to make new open capacities just to call the private capacities and factors.
In this pattern, we map the returned object’s properties to the private functions that we need to reveal as the public that is the reason it's called the Revealing Module pattern.
3. Prototype Design Pattern
As we have already known, JavaScript does not support classes in its native form. Inheritance between objects is implemented using prototype-based programming.
It empowers us to create objects which can serve as a prototype for different objects being created. The prototype object is utilized as a blueprint for each object the constructor makes.
4. Singleton Pattern
A Singleton is an object which can only be instantiated only once. It is only possible to make an instance when the connection is closed or you try to close the open instance before opening another one. This pattern is likewise alluded to as strict pattern; one drawback related to this pattern is its overwhelming experience in testing because of its hidden dependencies objects which are not effectively singled out for testing.
For Example –
It is useful for JavaScript developers to use design patterns. Some major advantages of using design patterns incorporate project maintainability and furthermore cut off pointless work on the development cycle. Despite the fact that JavaScript design patterns can give solutions for complex issues, obviously, quick development and efficiency, it is inappropriate to infer that these design patterns can supplant the developers.
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